Self Straightening Technology (SST)
World’s leading custom solution to keep the robot straight for miles even in the most uneven panel installations. Our Robots have been designed to overcome real-life obstacles each and every time to keep solar farm operations at optimal level.

Ready for Mass Deployment
We provide the ONLY SOLAR CLEANING ROBOT ready for mass deployment in existing solar farms with outstanding gap spanning feature. Equipped with outstanding power system and structure patented in US and China, Boson Robots can smoothly cross very difficult array gaps. Unique Features include: Obstacle Surmounting Technology, Overcoming connections inclination up to 28°, Auto Posture Correction withing 1 Second, Moving across step displacement, Climbing Frame displacement.

Installation Cases
We managed to increase the Power Generation of A Solar Farm in Zhejang by 34.9% in just 4 months! Our Intelligent Robotic system, free precious daytime for power generation. Equipped with Anti-interference Technology, the Robots are designed to work under strong electromagnetic interference.

Remotely Controlled
Our Robots include secure wireless cloud based communication technology and are controlled by SCADA. The health reports various data can be intelligently collected via the robots to help further monitor the overall health of the solar farm as well as efficiency of the its power generation. Th Robots are designed to intelligently work in early mornings or late evenings, freeing precious time for power generation. The intelligent Dew Detection also mobilizes the robot to use the heavenly water for cleaning bird drops!